Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

21 April 2024 -- 4th Sunday of Easter "B

Acts 4:8-12; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18


          This Gospel tells us about the Good Shepherd. "Good shepherd" is the usual translation. And yet the original Greek text should be translated, literally, as: "I am the beautiful shepherd" ('o poimèn 'o kalós), as Cardinal Martini of Milan reminded us some twenty years ago in an admirable pastoral letter on the beauty that will save the world. In reality, there is not much difference between the two translations, because what is truly beautiful is what is good and true. That's the difference between a real rose and a plastic flower, between a genuine person and someone trying to deceive by playing a role. When we meet someone whose generosity, love and faithfulness are admirable, don't we say: "What a beautiful person!", and when someone tells us a particularly touching story, don't we say: "What a beautiful story! Well, it is in this sense that Jesus is a "beautiful shepherd". He uses this image to describe the nature of his relationship with us.

20 avril 2024 - Samedi de la 3ème semaine de Pâques

Actes, 9:31-42; Jean, 6:60-69


          En ce Temps Pascal, les lectures de la Messe sont très riches. Durant les deux premières semaines, elles nous ont présenté surtout les apparitions de Jésus, et nous avons eu hier en quelque sorte la dernière de ces apparitions, celle à Paul.

19 avril 2024 -- vendredi de la 3ème semaine de Pâques

Ac 9, 1-20 ; Jean 6, 52-59


          Lorsqu'on parle de conversion, nous pensons spontanément au passage d'une vie de péché à une vie de vertu. Cela n'est cependant pas toujours le cas. La conversion est quelque chose de plus profond. Tout processus de croissance implique une conversion. Dans le cas de Paul, la conversion a été une réorientation de son énergie.

20 April 2024 - Saturday of the 3rd week of Easter

Acts, 9:31-42; John, 6:60-69


          In this Easter season, the Mass readings are very rich. During the first two weeks, they have presented to us above all the apparitions of Jesus, and yesterday we had, in a way, the last of these apparitions, the one to Paul.

18 April 2024 -- Thursday of the 3rd week of Easter

Acts 8:25-40; John 6:44-51


          We are continuing our reading of Chapter 6 of Saint John. In the sections we have read over the last few days, Jesus has told us once again that he is the Bread of Life, and that anyone who comes to him in faith will have eternal life. Today he establishes the link between faith and the sacrament of the Eucharist. The bread he will give to those who come to him is His flesh, already given up for the life of the world. In these few words, the link is established not only between faith and the sacramental gesture, but also between faith, the sacrament and the event of the Cross.

19 April 2024 -- Friday of the 3rd week of Easter

Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59


          When we speak of conversion, we spontaneously think of the passage from a life of sin to a life of virtue. But this is not always the case. Conversion is something deeper. Every process of growth involves conversion. In Paul's case, the conversion was a redirection of his energy.

18 avril 2024 -- jeudi de la 3ème semaine de Pâques

Actes 8,25-40; Jean 6, 44-51

H O M É L I E 

          Nous poursuivons notre lecture du Chapitre 6 de saint Jean. Dans les sections lues ces derniers jours, Jésus nous redisait qu'il était, Lui, le Pain de la Vie, et que quiconque viendrait à Lui avec foi aurait la vie éternelle. Aujourd'hui il établit le lien entre la foi et le sacrement de l'Eucharistie. Le pain qu'Il donnera à celui qui vient à lui, c'est sa chair, déjà livrée pour la vie du monde. Dans ces quelques mots, le lien est établi non seulement entre la foi et le geste sacramentel, mais aussi entre foi, sacrement et l'événement de la Croix.