25 January 2025 - Feast of the conversion of St Paul
Today is the last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, as we celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul.
In the first reading of the Mass, Paul recounts his vocation. Although we have not received a prophetic mission similar to his, we can say the same thing. We too have been called by the Lord from our birth, the Lord has given each of us a special name, and he has often called us to conversion.
We have been called to faith and baptism. We have also been called to monastic life in a specific community. This is what we have been grateful to the Lord for, following Pope Francis' invitation to look at our religious past with gratitude. However, there are certainly things in that past that we need to submit to God's mercy. So that's part of what each of us has to do - examine our faithfulness to our calling. We have to do that as individuals and as a community.
The Gospel we have just read is the account of Jesus' last mission address to his eleven apostles, before his Ascension, at the end of Mark's Gospel.
What we celebrate today is, first, God's mercy to Paul; and only secondly, their response to that call for mercy. So, as we look together at our present and that of our community, let us be mindful of God's work in us. And as we embrace our future - to use Pope Francis' expression - let us place all our hope in God's loving mercy rather than in our own plans and abilities.
If the Lord does not build the house... in vain does the laborer labor.
Armand Veilleux