Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

3 décembre 2024 – Mardi de la 1ère semaine de l’Avent

Isaïe 11, 1-10; Luc 10, 21-24 


L'Évangile que nous venons de lire comprend quelques points de contact avec le Magnificat de la Vierge Marie, qui sont très intéressants et extrêmement révélateurs.

30 novembre 2024 – Fête de saint André

Rom 10, 9-18; Mat 4, 18-22



          Lorsque les disciples ont tout quitté pour suivre Jésus, ils ont pris un grand risque. D'autres prophètes étaient venus peu auparavant qui avaient prétendu être le Messie, et plusieurs les avaient suivis, pour se rendre compte par la suite qu'ils s'étaient trompés. Les disciples de Jésus eurent plus de chance; celui qu'ils suivirent était le vrai Messie. En conséquence, ils se rappelèrent souvent, plus tard, le moment où ils avaient entendu leur premier appel, et ils l'embellirent sans doute quelque peu. Chacun des Évangélistes raconte d'une façon personnelle ce premier appel et le situe dans un contexte différent. Ils tendent à donner l'impression que leur réponse fut immédiate et définitive. En réalité, ils hésitèrent considérablement et n'abandonnèrent définitivement leurs occupations qu'après la Résurrection. Mais en télescopant les événements dans un épisode unique, ils veulent souligner deux points essentiels. Le premier est la capacité de l'appel de Dieu, une fois qu'il est entendu, de mobiliser toutes les énergies humaines. Le second est l'autorité avec laquelle Jésus choisit ses disciples.

29 novembre 2024 – Vendredi de la 34ème sem. paire

Ap 20, 1-4.11 ; Luc 21, 29-33 


          Depuis le début de la semaine, nous avons lu chaque jour une section du long discours eschatologique de Jésus, selon la version de Luc, dont nous avons la conclusion aujourd’hui.

29 November 2024 - Friday of the 34th even-numbered week

Rev 20, 1-4.11; Luke 21, 29-33


Since the beginning of the week, each day we have read a section of Jesus' long eschatological discourse, according to Luke's version, the conclusion of which we have today.

24 November 2024 - Feast of Christ, King of the Universe, year "B"

Dan 7:13-14; Rev 1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37


In 1925, still at the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ, King of the Universe, in an effort to combat the forces of destruction at work in the world, which he identified with the rise of atheism and secularization. Since then, Christians have celebrated Christ under this title every year, but that did not stop the great nations of Europe that considered themselves Christian from waging a murderous war against each other a few years later. This feast, which we celebrate in our turn, should be an opportunity for us to focus on the message that Jesus left us even more than on the ever inadequate titles and concepts that people have attributed to Him down the ages.

30 November 2024 - Feast of Saint Andrew

Rom 10, 9-18; Mat 4, 18-22


When the disciples left everything to follow Jesus, they took a great risk. Other prophets had come shortly before who had claimed to be the Messiah, and many had followed them, only to realise later that they had been wrong. Jesus' disciples were luckier; the one they followed was the true Messiah. As a result, they often later recalled the moment when they had heard their first call, and no doubt embellished it somewhat. Each of the Evangelists recounts this first call in his own way and places it in a different context. They tend to give the impression that their response was immediate and definitive. In reality, they hesitated considerably and did not definitively abandon their occupations until after the Resurrection. But by telescoping the events into a single episode, they want to emphasise two essential points. The first is the capacity of God's call, once heard, to mobilise all human energies. The second is the authority with which Jesus chooses his disciples.

23 November 2024 - Saturday of the 33rd even-numbered week

Rev 11, 4-12; Lk 20, 27-40


Dear brothers and sisters,

When we try to imagine what life will be like after our physical death, we can only do so by using images that correspond to our life here on earth. And that's what Scripture does, in both the Old and New Testaments. It is even what Jesus does, in his parables, where he describes either eternal happiness with God, or eternal misfortune if we have not lived in love here on earth.