Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

1 avril 2025, mardi de la 4ème semaine de Carême

Ez 47,1-9.12 ; Jn 5, 1-16


          L’une des expressions qui revient assez souvent dans la bouche du pape François est celle de « périphéries ». Il emploie d’ailleurs le mot au pluriel. Il nous appelle tous à aller aux périphéries. Et ce mot a évidemment des sens différents selon la vocation propre des personnes à qui il s’adresse ou selon les contextes dans lesquels il l’utilise. Son approche est évangélique avant d’être sociologique.

1 April 2025, Tuesday of the 4th week of Lent

Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16


One of the expressions that comes up quite often in the mouth of Pope Francis is that of ‘peripheries’. He also uses the word in the plural. He calls us all to go to the peripheries. And this word obviously has different meanings depending on the specific vocation of the people to whom he is addressing it or the context in which he uses it. His approach is evangelical before being sociological.

31 March 2025 – Monday of the 4th week of Lent

Isaiah 65:17-21; John 4:43-54

H o m i l y

As we begin the second half of Lent, the Gospel readings are taken from the Gospel of John, which, as we saw last week, is structured around a series of signs accompanied by words. And the place where the sign is performed is always significant.

31 mars 2025 – Lundi de la 4ème semaine de Carême

Is 65, 17-21 ; Jean 4, 43-54 

H o m é l i e 

En ce début de la deuxième moitié de Carême, les lectures de l’Évangile sont tirées de l’Évangile de Jean, qui, comme nous l’avons vu la semaine dernière, est construit sur une série de signes, accompagnés de paroles. Et le lieu où ce signe est accompli a toujours son importance.

30 mars 2025 – 4ème dimanche de Carême "C"

Jos 5,10-12; 2 Co 5,17-21; Lc 15,1-3. 11-32


     Jésus se trouve pris, une fois de plus, entre deux groupes de personnes. D'une part il y a les publicains et les pécheurs qui viennent l'écouter et dont le cœur est souvent touché par son attitude tout autant que par ses paroles; et, d'autre part, il y a les pharisiens et les scribes, qui n'approuvent pas du tout son attitude. Ils l'accusent non seulement de faire bon accueil aux mécréants mais même de manger avec eux.

30 March 2025 - 4th Sunday of Lent "C"

Jos 5:10-12; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3. 11-32


Once again, Jesus finds Himself caught between two groups of people. On the one hand, there were the tax collectors and sinners who came to listen to Him and whose hearts were often touched by His attitude as much as by His words; on the other hand, there were the Pharisees and scribes, who did not approve of His attitude at all. They accused Him not only of welcoming unbelievers, but even of eating with them.

29 March 2025 - Saturday of the 3rd week in Lent

Hosea 6:1-6; Luke 18:9-14


At the beginning of each Eucharistic celebration, we confess our sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. Is this always more than a simple religious formality? Are we sincerely aware that we are sinners? Of course we know that we have sinned. Normally, we have already accused these sins in confession and they have been forgiven. In fact, we know that they have been forgiven by God from the moment we regretted them. But being a sinner is more than simply having done this or that sin. Perhaps we aware that we are good Christians or not so bad monks, rather of being sinners.