Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

16 January 2025 - Thursday of the 1st week of odd-numbered years

Heb. 3, 7, 14; Mark 1, 40-45


         In Jesus' time, the word “leprosy” was a generic expression to designate a large number of diseases, especially skin diseases, and above all contagious and incurable diseases. Because of the horror felt towards these various forms of disease, those affected were ostracised. They were separated from the rest of the people, often by virtue of religious laws. In this way, people not only protected themselves from physical contact with a contagious patient, but also psychologically and spiritually exempted themselves from looking inwards.    

15 January 2025 - Wednesday of the 1st odd-numbered week

Heb 2, 14-18; Mark 1, 29-39


In Mark's Gospel, Jesus returns to Galilee immediately after His baptism, His forty days in the desert and the selection of His disciples. Monday's Gospel told us about the selection of the disciples.

15 janvier 2025 – Mercredi de la 1ère sem. impaire

Héb 2, 14-18; Marc 1, 29-39 


          Dans l’Évangile de Marc, Jésus, tout de suite après son baptême, ses quarante jours au désert et le choix de ses disciples, retourne en Galilée. L’Évangile de lundi nous racontait le choix des disciples.

14 January 2025 - Tuesday of the 1st week

Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28


The Gospel begins with these words: ‘ Immediately on the Sabbath He (Jesus) went to the synagogue and taught there ’. Let's look at the context of this account in Mark's Gospel. We are at the beginning of the Gospel. Jesus was baptised and spent forty days in the desert, where He was tempted; then He returned to Galilee and chose His disciples. Then,' says the Gospel text, “”He went with His disciples to Capernaum, and immediately, on the Sabbath, He entered the synagogue to teach. Immediately He healed a man afflicted with an unclean spirit.

14 janvier 2025 - Mardi de la 1ère semaine

He 2,5-12; Mc 1, 21-28


          L'Evangile commence par ces mots : « Aussitôt, le jour du sabbat il (Jésus) se rendit à la synagogue, et là il enseignait ». Examinons un peu le contexte de ce récit dans l'Évangile de Marc. Nous sommes au début de l'Évangile. Jésus a été baptisé et a passé quarante jours dans le désert, où il a été tenté ; après quoi il est retourné en Galilée et a choisi ses disciples. Ensuite, dit exactement le texte de l'Évangile, il se rendit avec ses disciples à Capharnaüm, et aussitôt, le jour du shabbat, il entra dans la synagogue pour enseigner. Aussitôt, il guérit un homme atteint d'un esprit impur.

13 January 2025 -- Monday of the 1st odd week

Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20


Today we resume ‘Ordinary Time’ with the beginning of two books from the Bible that will accompany us for the next few weeks: the first reading is from the Letter to the Hebrews, and the second reading is from Mark's Gospel. This Gospel reading gives us the account of the call of the first apostles as recorded by the evangelist Mark.

13 janvier 2025 -- Lundi de la 1ère semaine impaire

He 1,1-6 ; Mc 1,14-20


          Nous reprenons aujourd'hui le "Temps ordinaire" avec le début de deux Livres de la Bible qui nous accompagneront pendant quelques semaines : La Lettre aux Hébreux pour la première lecture et l'Évangile de Marc comme deuxième lecture. Cette lecture de l’Évangile nous offre le récit de l'appel des premiers apôtres tel qu'il a été rapporté par l'évangéliste Marc.