Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

22 March 2025 - Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent

Mi 7, 14-15.18-20; Lk 15,1-3. 11-32


Once again, Jesus finds Himself caught between two groups of people. On the one hand, there were the tax collectors and sinners who came to listen to Him and whose hearts were often touched by His attitude as much as by His words; on the other hand, there were the Pharisees and scribes, who did not approve of His attitude at all. They accused Him not only of welcoming unbelievers, but even of eating with them.

21 mars 2025 – vendredi de la 2ème semaine de Carême

Gen 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28; Mat 21, 33-43. 45-46 


          Les deux lectures de cette messe parlent de violence. Dans celle de l'Ancien Testament, onze des douze Patriarches d'Israël commettent la violence contre leur frère. Dans sa parabole, Jésus parle des violences commises contre lui par les grands prêtres et les anciens du peuple. Dans les deux cas, Dieu a su tirer le salut du péché de l’homme.

21 March 2025 - Friday of the 2nd week in Lent

Gen 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28; Mat 21, 33-43. 45-46


The two readings for this Mass speak of violence. In the Old Testament reading, eleven of the twelve patriarchs of Israel commit violence against their brothers. In the parable, Jesus speaks of the violence committed against Him by the chief priests and the elders of the people. In both cases, God was able to draw salvation from man's sin.

18 mars 2025 – mardi de la 2ème semaine de Carême

Isaïe 1, 10.16-20; Matthieu 23,1-12



           Il est rare que Jésus parle avec une telle sévérité. Lui qui est si miséricordieux face à la faiblesse humaine devient extrêmement sévère devant l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme et devant l'orgueil qui consiste à s'attribuer des titres et des honneurs qui sont réservés à Dieu.

18 March 2025 – Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent

Isaiah 1:10, 16-20; Matthew 23:1-12


It is rare for Jesus to speak with such severity. He who is so merciful in the face of human weakness becomes extremely severe in the face of the exploitation of man by man and in the face of the pride that consists of attributing to oneself titles and honours that are reserved for God.

Monday, 17 March 2025 – Monday of the 2nd week of Lent

Daniel 9:4-10; Luke 6:36-38


Dear brothers and sisters,

Conversion, as presented to us in the Gospels, has two essential elements: firstly, the conviction of being a sinner, of having been unfaithful to the love of God, and of being in need of forgiveness and healing, and secondly, the no less strong conviction that God is merciful, that he desires nothing other than to forgive us and that he wants us to return to him. We find all this in this beautiful text from the prophet Daniel: ‘Shame on us... for we have sinned... To the Lord our God, mercy and forgiveness.’

Lundi, 17 mars 2025 – Lundi de la 2ème semaine de Carême

Daniel 9:4-10; Luc 6:36-38



Bien chers frères,

          La conversion, telle qu'elle nous est présentée dans les Évangiles, comprend deux éléments essentiels : d’abord, la conviction d'être pécheur, d'avoir été infidèle à l'amour de Dieu, et d'avoir besoin de pardon et de guérison, et, d'autre part, la conviction non moins forte que Dieu est miséricordieux, qu'il ne désire rien d'autre que nous pardonner et qu'il veut que nous retournions vers Lui. Nous trouvons tout cela dans ce beau texte du prophète Daniel : "À nous la honte au visage… parce que nous avons péché… Au Seigneur notre Dieu, les miséricordes et les pardons."